In this week’s podcast we focus on the recently published report from Thomas
International: ‘Mind the trust gap’ that reveals 85% of UK businesses need to critically
improve recruitment processes, with 77% saying they need to improve the way they...
In this week’s podcast we focus on the recently published report from Thomas
International: ‘Mind the trust gap’ that reveals 85% of UK businesses need to critically
improve recruitment processes, with 77% saying they need to improve the way they assess the value and skills people bring to the business.
The retail space online and in the high street is continuing to transform. Can marketplaces help smaller retailers compete and differentiate their businesses? And what does the future of integrated...
The retail space online and in the high street is continuing to transform. Can marketplaces help...
The retail space online and in the high street is continuing to transform. Can marketplaces help smaller retailers compete and differentiate their businesses? And what does the future of integrated...
The retail space online and in the high street is continuing to transform. Can marketplaces help...
Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Candid Wüest, VP of
Cyber Protection Research Acronis, wie eine reine Sicherheitslösung in der
Kombination mit Backup zur echten Cyber-P...
Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Candid Wüest, VP of
Cyber Protection...
Welcome to the last in this series of podcasts: The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Data
Centric Enterprise
In this final episode, we are considering what a 'data business' is today and how
Welcome to the last in this series of podcasts: The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Data
Centric En...
Are businesses still striving to build their omnichannel as they look towards their post-pandemic futures? Do digital consumers even want an omnichannel experience? Or have they, too, evolved towar...
Are businesses still striving to build their omnichannel as they look towards their post-pandemic...
Welcome to the fourth in the Quest Software Podcast series, The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Data-Centric Enterprise.
In this episode, we are considering Resilience and Security.
Improving resi...
Welcome to the fourth in the Quest Software Podcast series, The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Dat...
What are the remaining challenges to building an IoT environment that all companies can use practically? Networks have also been evolving towards the edge. Learn how enterprises develop their edge...
What are the remaining challenges to building an IoT environment that all companies can use pract...
What are the essential components of a data-focused toolset? Many data tools are available, but what benefits, insights and value can choose the right tools to bring to an enterprise as they transf...
What are the essential components of a data-focused toolset? Many data tools are available, but w...
Cybersicherheit für den Mittelstand
Der Mittelstand ist Cyberattacken ausgesetzt und kann mit
eigenen Ressourcen eine Abwehr kaum noch aufrechterhalten. Wie eine effektive
Verteidigung dennoch m...
Cybersicherheit für den Mittelstand
Der Mittelstand ist Cyberattacken ausgesetzt und kann mit...
La ubicación ya no condiciona la posibilidad de trabajar. La pandemia nos ha dejado enseñanzas valiosas, como las ventajas de transformar las oficinas en entornos híbridos que combinen puestos pres...
La ubicación ya no condiciona la posibilidad de trabajar. La pandemia nos ha dejado enseñanzas va...
Does your enterprise know how resilient it really is against cyberattacks? Or even what it means to be resilient? It’s a question that is not often asked, as strong cybersecurity can frequently be...
Does your enterprise know how resilient it really is against cyberattacks? Or even what it means...
El mundo del puesto de trabajo está viviendo una completa
revolución desde el punto de vista tecnológico, social, organizativo y humano.
Los profesionales hoy trabajamos desde cualquier lugar, con...
El mundo del puesto de trabajo está viviendo una completa
revolución desde el punto de vista tecn...
How does the IT infrastructure needed to support the Metaverse differ from the IT infrastructures that are currently in place? Do we need to be clear what we mean when we describe the Metaverse fro...
How does the IT infrastructure needed to support the Metaverse differ from the IT infrastructures...
In this second episode we will be considering the data quality imperative.
Organisations rely on their data more than ever before. From IT and business operations,
through strategic decisions,...
In this second episode we will be considering the data quality imperative.
Organisations rely...
Welcome to this podcast series: The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Data Centric
Enterprise from Quest Software. Quest Software is a global provider to 130,000 companies across 100 countries, includi...
Welcome to this podcast series: The Data Dilemma: How to Become a Data Centric
Enterprise from Qu...
Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder zeigt Michael Finkler, Geschäftsführer der proALPHA-Gruppe auf, wie die Anforderungen an ein modernes Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) aussehen und warum e...
Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder zeigt Michael Finkler, Geschäftsführer der proALPHA-Gruppe auf,...
Discover solutions for the key security challenges facing businesses as they expand their use of wireless technologies. Sonicwall’s recent report revealed that IoT malware soared by 134% in the UK....
Discover solutions for the key security challenges facing businesses as they expand their use of...
Technology moves fast, especially in the digital security space. At Silicon, we have been helping businesses navigate the technology landscape for decades with world-class news, features and analys...
Technology moves fast, especially in the digital security space. At Silicon, we have been helping...
Quantum Computing ist die Zukunft der IT. Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Dr. Jan-Rainer Lahmann IBM Distinguished Engineer, Quantum in DACH, das Konzept des Quantum Computing.
Quantum Computing ist die Zukunft der IT. Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Dr. Jan-Rainer...
Quantum Computing ist die Zukunft der IT. Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Dr. Jan-Rainer Lahmann IBM Distinguished Engineer, Quantum in DACH, das Konzept des Quantum Computing.
Quantum Computing ist die Zukunft der IT. Im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder erklärt Dr. Jan-Rainer...
Are enterprises evaluating their cybersecurity tech stacks right now? What changes
are they looking to make? Discover your business’s essential cybersecurity tech stack. How to defend your enterpri...
Are enterprises evaluating their cybersecurity tech stacks right now? What changes
are they looki...
Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder erörtert Emanuel Lippmann, Global Program Manager Social Impact bei Dell Technologies, das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit und welche
konkreten Maßnahmen Unternehmen ergr...
Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder erörtert Emanuel Lippmann, Global Program Manager Social Impact b...
The open source movement has been an essential and transformative component of software development for decades. As security continues to be a significant issue as businesses innovate, today’s podc...
The open source movement has been an essential and transformative component of software developme...
Do businesses need a radical change in how they approach access security? Does a shift away from user responsibility – particularly with the generation and security of passwords – offer post-pandem...
Do businesses need a radical change in how they approach access security? Does a shift away from...
Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder erörtert Michael Kempf,
Vorstandsvorsitzender der MKS Software AG, wie ein mittelstandsgerechtes
Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) aussehen sollte und warum...
Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder erörtert Michael Kempf,
Vorstandsvorsitzender der MKS Software AG...
Im Silicon DE Podcast erläutert Oliver Gürtler, Leiter des Mittelstandsgeschäfts bei Microsoft Deutschland, im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder, wie Microsoft und seine Partner
mittelständischen Kunde...
Im Silicon DE Podcast erläutert Oliver Gürtler, Leiter des Mittelstandsgeschäfts bei Microsoft D...
Is the so-called ‘great resignation’ the only driver behind what seems to be a mass movement of skilled workers away from businesses they may have been with for decades? As businesses are entering...
Is the so-called ‘great resignation’ the only driver behind what seems to be a mass movement of s...
Silicon DE im Fokus Podcast: Wie MIPI Schnittstellen die mobile Kommunikation voranbringen
Mit Standards der MIPI-Alliance werden elektronische Komponenten fit für die digitale Kommunikation gemac...
Silicon DE im Fokus Podcast: Wie MIPI Schnittstellen die mobile Kommunikation voranbringen
Mit S...
Learn how the definition of the ‘connected customer’ changed due to the pandemic. As consumers now use multiple touchpoints, is brand loyalty being tested? And How have
customer services technolog...
Learn how the definition of the ‘connected customer’ changed due to the pandemic. As consumers no...
Die Zukunft ist hybrid. Welche Mischformen zwischen Public Cloud und On-Premises es gibt und wie Unternehmen davon profitierten, erklärt im Interview mit Carolina Heyder Dr. Gerald Pfeifer, CTO bei...
Die Zukunft ist hybrid. Welche Mischformen zwischen Public Cloud und On-Premises es gibt und wie...
How have logistics and procurement been fundamentally changed by the pandemic? What
are the core logistical challenges facing businesses as they move into the post-pandemic era?
How have logistics and procurement been fundamentally changed by the pandemic? What
are the core...
Das industrielle Internet der Dinge (IIoT) bringt viele Vorteile, macht Produktionsanlagen aber auch angreifbar. Wie sieht aktuell die Gefährdungslage für Operational Technology (OT) aus? Das ist...
Das industrielle Internet der Dinge (IIoT) bringt viele Vorteile, macht Produktionsanlagen aber...
Is the definition of a ‘connected business’ very different today than it was just
two years ago? And how can businesses embraced technology to enable them to
connect with their customers and commer...
Is the definition of a ‘connected business’ very different today than it was just
two years ago?...
How do sustainable businesses use technology to innovate? And as businesses want to connect sustainability to their ESG, can technology help them achieve that goal?
Katie Mills, Head of Sustainable...
How do sustainable businesses use technology to innovate? And as businesses want to connect susta...
Dell Technologies hat mit APEX ein as-a-Service Angebot eingeführt, das
unternehmensweit die Digitale Transformation der Kunden fördern soll. Im Interview
mit Carolina Heyder stellt Tobias Heizman...
Dell Technologies hat mit APEX ein as-a-Service Angebot eingeführt, das
unternehmensweit die Dig...
Descubrimos las tecnologías en la nube que permitirán la modernización de las instituciones y los planes Next Generation EU
Las instituciones y organizaciones públicas han tenido que abordar la m...
Descubrimos las tecnologías en la nube que permitirán la modernización de las instituciones y los...
How has Saas become an essential component of a successful business? The importance a robust and expansive data lake plays in the SaaS model, and what it takes to build and maintain a sufficient da...
How has Saas become an essential component of a successful business? The importance a robust and...
La mayoría de las empresas han adoptado ya tecnologías en la nube; pero en muchos casos de una manera desordenada, lo que se traduce en la generación de silos o sobrecostes y, de hecho, algunas org...
La mayoría de las empresas han adoptado ya tecnologías en la nube; pero en muchos casos de una ma...
Die Tradition von Frauen in der Technologie reicht zurück bis hin zu
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), die als erste Programmiererin der Welt
gilt. Dennoch sind Frauen in der Technologiebranche immer noch...
Die Tradition von Frauen in der Technologie reicht zurück bis hin zu
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), di...
How could FaaS revolutionise E-commerce? And how can businesses embrace this technology to connect with their customers? As businesses look to rationalise their IT infrastructures, shifting how the...
How could FaaS revolutionise E-commerce? And how can businesses embrace this technology to connec...
Transformación y nube híbrida con HPE y VMWare
Ep. 5: Los retos del puesto de trabajo en la nueva era digital
En un mundo digitalizado, las organizaciones tienen que estar preparadas potenciar la...
Transformación y nube híbrida con HPE y VMWare
Ep. 5: Los retos del puesto de trabajo en la nueva...
Low-Code soll jeden Mitarbeiter zum Entwickler befördern.
Wie Unternehmen von dem aktuellen Programmiertrend profitieren, erläutert
Florian Binder, Principal Solution Consultant - Intelligent Auto...
Low-Code soll jeden Mitarbeiter zum Entwickler befördern.
Wie Unternehmen von dem aktuellen Prog...
Is SaaS still a foundation onto which businesses continue to build their
processes? And why did HP move to a service company. Listen to learn how your business could further embrace SaaS to transfo...
Is SaaS still a foundation onto which businesses continue to build their
processes? And why did H...
Wer starke Abwehrkräfte
hat, ist gegen Bedrohungen gut gerüstet. Wie Unternehmen Ihre
Widerstandsfähigkeit (Resilienz) ausbauen, erklärt im Interview mit Carolina
Heyder Wolfgang Huber, Regional D...
Wer starke Abwehrkräfte
hat, ist gegen Bedrohungen gut gerüstet. Wie Unternehmen Ihre
Learn how businesses can develop robust security for their remote workforces. Also, businesses are re-drawing their digital transformation roadmaps to include IoT, 5G, and Edge Computing, are burge...
Learn how businesses can develop robust security for their remote workforces. Also, businesses ar...
Has the pandemic had an impact on entrepreneurship and the desire to start new
businesses in general? Also, has the so-called ‘great resignation’ been a major component of the surge in new tech b...
Has the pandemic had an impact on entrepreneurship and the desire to start new
businesses in gene...
TeamDrive gilt als „sichere Sync&Share-Software made in Germany" für das Speichern, Synchronisieren und Sharing von Daten und Dokumenten. Grundlage bildet eine durchgängige Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsse...
TeamDrive gilt als „sichere Sync&Share-Software made in Germany" für das Speichern, Synchronisier...
Die schnelle Modernisierung ihrer Produktivumgebung hat zahlreiche Unternehmen
erkennen lassen, dass ihre Datensicherung damit nicht Schritt halten kann. Im
Interview erläutert Thomas Sandner, Sen...
Die schnelle Modernisierung ihrer Produktivumgebung hat zahlreiche Unternehmen
erkennen lassen,...
As some workers move back to their offices, others will create a more hybrid way to work. Is this massive change in how we organise work leading to better productivity? And how can technology help...
As some workers move back to their offices, others will create a more hybrid way to work. Is this...
As a new form of communication that does not require the internet or cellular data, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) could offer businesses a new channel to evolve how they communicate across their enterprises....
As a new form of communication that does not require the internet or cellular data, Peer-to-Peer...
Die Informationstechnologie (IT) steht vor vielen Herausforderungen. Eine
New School of IT ist nötig, um die Zukunftssicherheit eines Unternehmens auf
eine neue Stufe zu heben, erklärt Prof. Dr. V...
Die Informationstechnologie (IT) steht vor vielen Herausforderungen. Eine
New School of IT ist n...
What the pandemic showed many businesses was that their networks were lacking in some fundamental areas such as security and the ability to offer efficient connections at scale. How has the pandemi...
What the pandemic showed many businesses was that their networks were lacking in some fundamental...
Welcome to the Silicon UK In Focus Podcast
Silicon UK is the leading source for IT news, analysis, features and interviews
covering the technology that impacts your business.
I’m your host...
Welcome to the Silicon UK In Focus Podcast
Silicon UK is the leading source for IT news, anal...
Björn Brundert, Principal Solution Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Anwendungsplattformen bei VMware, erläutert im Gespräch mit Carolina Heyder das Konzept einer Cloud-agnostischen Data Fabric.
Er erklär...
Björn Brundert, Principal Solution Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Anwendungsplattformen bei VMware, erl...
Templafy carried out this research to understand how workplace software is enabling or hindering employees from working more efficiently. Their research highlights the new workforce landscape from...
Templafy carried out this research to understand how workplace software is enabling or hindering...
Silicon DE im Fokus Podcast: Hyperautomatisierung
Prozesse stehen im Mittelpunkt der Unternehmens-IT. Das neue Konzept der Hyperautomatisierung geht über Robotic Process Automation
hinaus und ha...
Silicon DE im Fokus Podcast: Hyperautomatisierung
Prozesse stehen im Mittelpunkt der Unternehm...
The pandemic catapulted digital transformation up the priority list with 77% of CEOs surveyed by Fortune and Deloitte reporting digital transformation plans accelerated in response to COVID.
The pandemic catapulted digital transformation up the priority list with 77% of CEOs surveyed by...
With businesses still experiencing the disruption to their operations and supply chains due to the pandemic, research commissioned by leading global business decisioning data and analytics provider...
With businesses still experiencing the disruption to their operations and supply chains due to th...
Silicon DE im Fokus: Security Awareness
Die besten technischen Maßnahmen für die IT-Sicherheit nützen nichts, wenn ahnungslose Angestellte auf jeden Trick der Hacker hereinfallen. Um dies zu ver...
Silicon DE im Fokus: Security Awareness
Die besten technischen Maßnahmen für die IT-Sicherheit...
The Global Gender Inclusive Benefit will provide transgender and non-binary employees with the critical financial and emotional support they deserve. These industry-leading benefits were designed i...
The Global Gender Inclusive Benefit will provide transgender and non-binary employees with the cr...
Staying one step ahead of cyber attackers takes a special kind of mindset. You need to think like an attacker to anticipate their next move, have razor-sharp analytical
skills and thrive on the unp...
Staying one step ahead of cyber attackers takes a special kind of mindset. You need to think like...
Mit dem Digital Annealer hat Fujitsu eine Lösung geschaffen, die sich nahe an der Zukunftstechnologie Quantum Computing bewegt. Im Gegensatz zu „echten“ Quantum Konzepten ist der Annealer bereits...
Mit dem Digital Annealer hat Fujitsu eine Lösung geschaffen, die sich nahe an der Zukunftstechno...
HPE Greenlake verbindet Welten von den Endgeräten bis zur Cloud. Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder erläutert Ulrich Seibold, VP HPE GreenLake Cloud Services DACH bei Hewlett Packard Enterprise, das Ge...
HPE Greenlake verbindet Welten von den Endgeräten bis zur Cloud. Im Podcast mit Carolina Heyder e...
Today’s consumer is more well informed, and demanding than ever before. With unlimited information, exposure to the opinions of a vast network of contacts, and the ability to rapidly place, amend,...
Today’s consumer is more well informed, and demanding than ever before. With unlimited informatio...
Today we are speaking to Joanne Thurlow, Head of IT for Siemens Energy, Industrial Application Solutions. She partners with business providing strategic, innovative, cost sensitive and engineering-...
Today we are speaking to Joanne Thurlow, Head of IT for Siemens Energy, Industrial Application So...
Silicon DE im Fokus: So sichern Sie Microsoft-Umgebungen
Microsoft-Umgebungen sind weit verbreitet, werden aber auch häufig angegriffen. Barracuda fokussiert sich schon seit 15 Jahren auf die Si...
Silicon DE im Fokus: So sichern Sie Microsoft-Umgebungen
Microsoft-Umgebungen sind weit verbre...
Learn what have been the major automation trends that have shaped workplace productivity over the past year. How organisations responded to the pandemic by shifting their priorities in automation t...
Learn what have been the major automation trends that have shaped workplace productivity over the...
Silicon DE im Fokus: Kubernetes und Red Hat Open Shift
Kubernetes hat sich als führende Container-Plattform etabliert. Damit
können Entwickler schneller und flexibler moderne Anwendungen entwicke...
Silicon DE im Fokus: Kubernetes und Red Hat Open Shift
Kubernetes hat sich als führende Contain...
In this week’s podcast, we focus on the recently published report: Digital Economy and
Climate Impact from Scheider Electric. We are also considering how Schneider
Electric are innovating in the en...
In this week’s podcast, we focus on the recently published report: Digital Economy and
Climate Im...
In this week’s podcast we focus on the recently published report from Thomas
International: ‘Mind the trust gap’ that reveals 85% of UK businesses need to critically
improve recruitment processes,...
In this week’s podcast we focus on the recently published report from Thomas
International: ‘Mind...
Cisco hat mit der neuen Webex Version eine Lösung eingeführt,
die eine Symbiose aus Hardware und Software darstellt. Damit sollen vor allem
Kunden angesprochen werden, die Wert auf Sicherheit und...
Cisco hat mit der neuen Webex Version eine Lösung eingeführt,
die eine Symbiose aus Hardware un...
Capítulo 1 del Podcast de Silicon España dedicado a tecnologías
cloud. En este episodio, Daniel de Blas, responsable de Branded Content de NetMedia
y Antonio Rentero, colaborador de Silicon España,...
Capítulo 1 del Podcast de Silicon España dedicado a tecnologías
cloud. En este episodio, Daniel d...
As the Biden
administration creates a national AI task force, how will AI develop over the
next few years? And how will these developments be managed to ensure safety and
ethics are maintained?
As the Biden
administration creates a national AI task force, how will AI develop over the
The Open University (OU) has jointly published a report with Be the Business titled Skills for Success: supporting business leaders with digital adoption. The research involved surveying 1,500 busi...
The Open University (OU) has jointly published a report with Be the Business titled Skills for Su...
RISE with SAP ist eine neue Initiative des größten deutschen
Softwareanbieters. Ziel ist es, transparenter, klarer und kundenfreundlicher zu
RISE with SAP steht für die Transformation...
RISE with SAP ist eine neue Initiative des größten deutschen
Softwareanbieters. Ziel ist es, tra...
As businesses strive to rebuild following the challenges of the past year, technical debt has emerged as a major roadblock to innovation and recovery, especially for enterprises focused on growth....
As businesses strive to rebuild following the challenges of the past year, technical debt has eme...
The UK lags behind in global and European rankings for data and technology skills, according to Coursera’s latest Global Skills Report (GSR). The UK placed 34th globally in
data skills and 47th in...
The UK lags behind in global and European rankings for data and technology skills, according to C...
Ransomware ist eine wachsende Bedrohung für Unternehmen.
Erpresser verschlüsseln Daten, um Firmen zu Lösegeldzahlungen zu zwingen. Es
drohen Betriebsunterbrechungen und finanzielle Einbußen.
Ransomware ist eine wachsende Bedrohung für Unternehmen.
Erpresser verschlüsseln Daten, um Firme...
The recent publication of Robert Half’s Demand for Skilled Talent report, produced in association with Burning Glass Technologies, spotlights the growth in employer demand for new ‘hybrid’ skills a...
The recent publication of Robert Half’s Demand for Skilled Talent report, produced in association...